Aquatic Ecological Survey and Assessment

We have knowledge of and expertise in macroinvertebrate, macrophyte, river habitat and crayfish survey techniques. Standard sampling methods are utilised for each monitoring element. Appropriate qualifications held for all surveys and suitably trained in techniques offered.

Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Surveys

We can provide a complete service of sampling, sorting, family & species identification, data analysis and reporting.

Macroinvertebrates are generally sampled using the standard Environment Agency three minute kick/sweep technique although other techniques are used where required. Samples can be identified to family or species level as required and we participate in quality control monitoring of our samples. Samples are sorted and analysed in our own laboratory facilities.

We have experience in the use of various biological indices including the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) score and its derivative, the Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT). These indices have been used nationally in the biological surveillance of water quality. We also use analysis tools such as River InVertebrate Prediction And Classification (RIVPACS) predictive package, Conservation Classification Index (CCI) and Lotic Invertebrate Flow Evaluation (LIFE) scores. The use of the standard sampling methods enables long term comparison for pollution control, conservation and flow management for the future management of watercourses.

Aquatic Macrophyte Surveys

Experienced in standard methodologies and accredited in species level identification

Aquatic macrophytes are surveyed using standard survey techniques that include the use of rapid survey techniques, macrophyte mapping and detailed species surveys

Environment Agency accredited in aquatic plant species identification and trained in pond and river survey techniques. Specialist pond weed (Potamogetan), starwort (Callitriche) and stonewort (Charophyte) training courses have been undertaken and we are trained in aquatic weed control. Aquatic plants surveyed include submerged macrophytes, floating-leaved species and emergent macrophytes.

River Habitat Surveys

We can undertake RHS surveys using an Accredited Surveyor with experience of major UK surveys

We have extensive experience of monitoring techniques and have Environment Agency accreditation to undertake surveys, regularly attending Environment Agency refresher courses as required. Bywater Ecology undertook the field survey work for a number of sites for the 2006 to 2008 RHS Baseline Survey. Data was collected from over 4800 sites in England, Wales and the Isle of Man. This data is to be used to report on the current state of river habitats including river habitat modification, as an indicator of how our rivers are being managed; the spatial distribution of non-native species and the extent of channel shading and tree cover along river banks, which is critical for climate change adaptation.

Crayfish Surveys

Species level identification and advice, knowledge of biology and habitat requirements, Natural England license for working with the native white-clawed crayfish and experience in control of signal crayfish

The white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) is the only native species of freshwater crayfish in Britain. It is under threat and declining in Britain and in much of the rest of its European range.

Throughout its range the white-clawed crayfish is under threat from the American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) which is now widespread in the wild. American species frequently carry a disease known as "crayfish plague" which white-clawed crayfish have no resistance to and whole populations of white-clawed crayfish can be killed within a few weeks of exposure to crayfish plague. In addition, signal crayfish are able to out-compete white-clawed crayfish. Bywater Ecology has experience of alien crayfish identification, trapping and control methods.

We also have knowledge of current legislation and conservation issues for crayfish. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) it is illegal to take or sell white-clawed Crayfish. Section 16(3) of the Act allows Natural England to issue licenses for conserving the species. Bywater Ecology hold a license for this purpose and can undertake crayfish surveys, identification, assessment for development enquires and other work associated with this species. We can also undertake rescue operations in relation to development plans, river or canal maintenance or engineering works and provide mitigation plans and give advice on planning these activities.


River Habitat Enhancement & Management

Biological monitoring of river restoration schemes and advice on enhancements to watercourses

Bywater Ecology can advise on the enhancement or restoration of aquatic habitats, and on habitat creation and species re-introductions. We can prepare proposals for monitoring of habitats, species and biological water quality for restoration schemes

We can also help to liaise with the appropriate authorities, gain approval for works affecting water, meet planning conditions and fulfill planning obligations. We can also advise on positive ecological design features for incorporation into new developments.

Monitoring of enhancements to rivers and streams is needed to judge the success of such schemes. Baseline surveys are important to ensure that endangered species are not impacted by the works and habitat is improved for species already living there as well as those to be encouraged. Further surveys following the scheme can then be compared with the baseline survey to evaluate the success of the works.

We can organise and undertake the biological monitoring of river restoration schemes and advise on enhancements to watercourses to improve the aquatic biology and provide suitable habitat for specific species.

We can organise and undertake the biological monitoring of river restoration schemes and advise on enhancements to watercourses to improve the aquatic biology and provide suitable habitat for specific species.

We have been involved in the pioneering River Kennet Rehabilitation Scheme monitoring programme which is included in an interactive CD Rom on River Restoration.


Environmental Impact Assessments

Biological information and expert opinion on the ecological effects of in-stream river and pond works, plus baseline and post-impact monitoring of works affecting watercourses

Bywater Ecology can provide biological information and expert opinion on the ecological effects of in-stream river and pond works, including flood defense, navigation and enhancement schemes. Bywater Ecology can undertake baseline and post-impact monitoring of works affecting watercourses including bridges, dams, pipe crossings, and residential and business development.

We can attend meetings and site visits with other organisations as required, such as local planning authorities, developers, Environment Agency and Natural England.

Baseline surveys can be undertaken and recommendations made for mitigation of detrimental effects. Advice can also be given on sensitive development methods for conservation.


Mitigation and Compensation

Advice and planning, species surveys, protected species rescue and relocation, and alien species control. We also offer a monitoring service to assess the success of these schemes

We can offer advice on the design and implementation of protected species rescue and translocation schemes, and the eradication or control of invasive species such as signal crayfish. We can produce mitigation plans for such work and liaise with the appropriate authorities to gain approval for these plans

We can also undertake;

  • Protected species specific surveys of areas to be affected, under license from Natural England where appropriate.
  • Protected species rescue and relocation operations
  • Follow up surveys to confirm success of any schemes
  • Alien species eradication and monitoring of these works

We are also in a position to offer ecological site supervision for works where rare species occur. We are able to utilise our skills and experience in strategic and policy work to offer advice on nature conservation planning and biodiversity action planning

Bywater Ecology have unique experience of the use of Aquadams in waterbodies where rare species occur, gaining approval for use and mitigating for any impacts on the species of concern


Pollution Incident Ecological Monitoring

Bywater Ecology can undertake macroinvertebrate surveys to measure impact of organic and other pollutants in watercourse and waterbodies, and trace the source of pollutants, as well as the provision of witness statementss

Another service that Bywater Ecology can offer is monitoring the ecological effects of pollution incidents in watercourses or waterbodies and providing expert witness statements. Both acute pollution events and chronic pollution can be assessed. Macroinvertebrate survey can be used to trace the source of pollution incidents where chemical monitoring is no longer successful, to look at the impact of the incident over time and to determine the extent of any impact spatially.

Live/dead analysis in the field combined with laboratory sample analysis can be used to determine the impact of various types of pollution.

Species specific surveys such as white-clawed crayfish surveys can also be undertaken where these species are affected by incidents and mitigation for rare and threatened species recommended. strategic and policy work to offer advice on nature conservation planning and biodiversity action planning
